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The Top 10 Coolest Offices in the World – Cool Office Design

Our definitive guide to the top 10 coolest offices in the world. A collection of some of the finest cool office designs  on the planet and the best in office design in the world today. For more information on each project click on the picture or

Igas PLC in Mayfair, London Office Fit Out Expansion

Igas PLC, a leading onshore hydrocarbon producer in the United Kingdom, delivering natural gas and crude oil to Britain’s energy market, has recently expanded it's office in London, Mayfair  by taking an additional floor in their headquarter buildings off Piccadilly. Working with Business Interiors this London Office

Exeter Office Refurbishment for Solicitors and Distribution Firms

Reflecting an improved business atmosphere in the South West, more firms in Exeter, Devon are looking to upgrade their office interiors with an office refurbishment or office refreshment of their existing premises. Lifting moral and improving the experience for clients and employees alike. Gregory Distribution, a

The World’s Top Ten Best Office Chairs

  The definitive guide to the world's top ten best office chairs. It’s perhaps no surprise that Steelcase and Herman Miller, the two largest manufacturers of office furniture in the world, dominate the top ten best office chairs. With the largest R&D departments and a healthy slew

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